At Karinthy Frigyes Bilingual Academic High School, International School Library Day will be celebrated with:
* an Introduction of Lapoda Multimedia Editor (software)
* Library Projects: Library Informatic course, innovation of our homepage
* Documents about European Union
* Contacts with neighboring foreign schools
Ilona Benko (teacher, librarian) High School - teacher
Contact information=ontact person: Ilona Benko (teacher, librarian) Email:
From Ibolya Barta:
It is the third year in Hungary to organize programs on the International School Library Day. My school, the Angyalfold Teri Elementary School, organize first time this day and now we are happy to be more and more. Our school has a new name from this year, because from two school make a new: so our new name is Vorosmarty Mihaly Elementary School, but we continue the work and hope that we will a great "family" on this and -- I hope -- other days and enjoyed the work in School Library. I tried to coordinate some schools program, and now I show it for everybody.
Best wishes: Ibolya Barta, from Hungary (Debrecen)
Vörösmarty Mihály Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Mûvészetoktatási Intézmény Debrecen, Hungary
1. Who loves who? -- famous lovers in history, literature and science -- competition for 5-8th classes
2. Exhibitions from the different editions of Shakespeare’s books
3. Shakespeare-likness competition for 8th classes
4. Love or what you want -- "funny drama" from The Student Theatre as they think about Shakespeare
5. DonOt believe half of the things he says -- competitions for 7th classes
6. Book from the Book -- make your own book! -- draw, paint and be creative! -- for 1-2th classes
7. Write poems from book, library or reading -- for 3-4th classes
8. Where is the truth? -- search for true information -- competitions with our Polish (Szkola Podstawowa Nr.4 Gimnazjum Nr 4. im. Paderewskiego, Pruszcz Gdanski) and Hungarian partner schools (teachers and students)
9. We will make photos from different competitions and take it for our website
Ibolya Barta, Seressne,
Bethlen Gábor Általá nos Iskola Könyvtára Hajdúböszörmény / Hungary
1. We will organize a competition for make posters and we will organize an exhibitions from it.
2. A competition: Write essays about poems, romans or legends and make illustrations from it.
3. We will invite regional tv, radio and journal for the exhibitions
4. We will make photos from this Day
Anikó Kovacs
Mikes Kelemen Líceum Könyvtára Liceul Teoretic MIKES KELEMEN Sepsiszentgyörgy / Romania
1. Reading tales for 1-2th classes. Every classes will spend 30 minutes in our Library and the students from the 5-8th classes will read the tales.
2. My favourite reading -- competition from drawing and painting. We organize exhibitions from it. I have got more than 500 pictures.
3. Readers like us (Power Point) we will show the different School Libraries from all over the World
4. I will organize from our country (Kovászna) the school librarians for a little conference
5. I would like to invite our mayor, and journalists to talk about the problems of school libraries and librarians, what are the different of the school and public libraries, what is the work of the school librarian.
Laszlo Kiss, Sfantu Gheorghe Jud. Covasna Romania
Bocskai István Általános Iskola Budapest / Hungary
We will organize a competition for 3-8th classes of children about the local History of the XI. district of Budapest
Ferenc Szalai
Erdey-Grúz Vegyipari Szakközépiskola Debrecen / Hungary
The customs of reading -- I will make a test in our school
Zsuzsa Belle, Juhaszne
BKMÖ Pedagógiai Intézet Könyvtára Kecskemét / Hungary
We put the invitation letter for this Day on our list.
Anna Kiss
Baktay Ervin Gimnázium és Vízügyi Szakközépiskola Dunaharaszti / Hungary
We will make posters, and badges for Library
Ilona Korcz, Tolnaine,
Vénkerti Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Mûvészetoktatási Intézmény Debrecen / Hungary
We organize an exhibitions from old books
(Eva) Lászlóné T. Nagy
Középkerti Általános Iskola Hajdúböszörmény / Hungary
1. Make posters, photos and exhibitions.
2. Organize a special lesson in Library
3. Organize a funny competition in Library
Kiss Anikó, Nagyné
Kocsis Pál Mezőgazdasági Szakközépiskola Kecskemét / Hungary
We will organise a very interesting lesson in our Library for children and we will make photos from this and take it on our website
Gabriella Tiba
(Irenke) Jozsefne Toth, specialist
Photographs from Ibolya Barta:
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Bardos Lajos Altalanos Iskola, Hajduszoboszlo/ Hungary
Searching information, Making posters
Sari Gusztav Altalanos Iskola, Kaba/Hungary
Tales in Library, Traditional Autumn Customs
Ibolya Utcai Altalanos Iskola
Open day for parents, for adults and journalists
Altalanos Iskola, 2060 Bicske, Szt. Istv‡n ut 42. Hungary
Competition: Write your opinion from the children and youth literature nowadays About 50 children wrote it
Bucskyné Rácz Márta
Testvervarosok Terei Altalanos Iskola Pecs / Hungary
Making posters from our Library. Toto from Library. Different for 1-4th and 5-8th classes.
The children spoke from library and reading on the lessons of Hungarian Literature
With the students and teachers of English we saw the homepage of the ISLD. We organized for the nexd Day the good ideas.
We enjoyed this beautiful Day.
Zsuzsa Hartmann, Baloghne,
Vizivarosi Altalanos Iskola Szekesfehervar / Hungary
This year we read about the School Library International Day in a teacher news. Our school decided that we also would like to take part in this program, so this year we sent our program list to the primary schools and the libraries. We organized several programmes for not only the teachers, but for the librarians and students too. Our programmes will start at 9 o’clock in the morning. First a literature teacher will present a lesson how to use the library substance when you keep a literature lesson. After a lecture will be hold by the leader of the Pedagogy Center about the situation and the roll of the school libraries. At 12 o'clock I will take the school leavers to a secondary school library to get to know what are the differences between the system of the secondary school libraries and the primary school libraries. In the afternoon we organize a competition between the students of the primary schools. It is about how to use the librarian substance and how to find that book! s you need. It is very important, because usually the students don't know where and how to find their books or bibliography.
I hope this program will be successful and lot of librarians, teachers and students take part in this day.
Lilla Varga,
Linking Libraries, Literacy and Learning
I am Klara Zseli, an Hungarian School Librarian from Szekesfehervar. We want to connect to your project. We are sending you our celebrating in our school in a text.
Klara Zseli, Tuesday, 26 October 2004
I want to join the International School Library Day, from Hungary. This is my school: Paragvári Utcai Általános Iskola, Szombathely 9700, Paragvári u. 2.- Hungary.
Fülöp Katalin
We'd like to join in this program, I've attached the draft program of our school.
Information of the school:
Zrinyi Miklos Primary School
Country: Hungary
City: Budapest
Street: Martirok utja 47
Postal code: 1205
Email address:
Agnes Madarasz, librarian and Hungarian teacher, who is responsible for the program at this school
From: Kós Károly Arts School, Debrecen, Hungary
1. We have conducted a sketch competition for our students, which is called "This is how she/he reads". The exhibition of the competition projects is going to be opened in the school hall on the international day of school libraries. At the opening ceremony there is going to be a short lecture about the international day of libraries and the importance of school libraries. The arts teachers of our school are also going to exhibit their pieces of art in the school hall, however they are not taking part in the competition. The announcement of results and the award of the public prize is going to be on the same day. Only those students and teachers can take part in awarding the public prize who used the library service that day.
2. We are going to publish a selection of the competition projects on our website.
3. An unusual English class in the library. Browsing the website of the IASL, translation practice made using the pages of
4. The lending library counter is going to be moved to the school hall for a day. We have established this tradition last year. (Luckily, the library itself opens from the school hall)
Please visit:
With this sketch competition our aim is to utilize our students' artistic inclinations as a motivational base for shaping their habits concerning library use in the process of becoming conscious readers. We would also like to demonstrate that our students and teachers appear as partners in the process of learning and library use.
Tihanyiné Iklódi Piroska
Email: or
This year we read about the School Library International Day in a teacher news. Our school decided that we also would like to take part in this program, so this year we sent our program list to the primary schools and the libraries. We organized several programmes for not only the teachers, but for the librarians and students too. Our programmes will start at 9 o'clock in the morning. First a literature teacher will present a lesson how to use the library substance when you keep a literature lesson. After a lecture will be hold by the leader of the Pedagogy Center about the situation and the roll of the school libraries. At 12 o'clock I will take the school leavers to a secondary school library to get to know what are the differencies between the system of the secondary school libraries and the primary school libraries. In the afternoon we organize a competition between the students of the primary schools. It is about how to use the librarian substance and how to find that books you need. It is very important, because usually the students don’t know where and how to find their books or bibliography.
I hope this program will be successful and lot of librarians, teachers and students take part in this day.
Name of the school: Vízivárosi Primary School
Local: Szekesfehervar / Hungary
Librarian: Lilla Varga
Morning we will organize special lessons: how can use the Library and how can find the information.
Afternoon: 1-4th classes will make bookmarks and ex-libris; 5-6th classes create poster from Library
We have 8 computers in our Library and the children can use them for different educational programs. And we will see a video film, too on this afternoon.
Name: Balatonboglari Altalanos Iskola es Zeneiskola
Local: Balatonboglar / Hungary
Librarian: Krisztina, Szendrodyné Botka
Our names are Mrs Nagy Anna Félix and Bettina Kovács from Zsigmond Kalmár Industrial High school and Vocational School in Hódmezovásárhely, Hungary. We are librarian teachers. We have much pleasure in informing you that we also join to the International Library World Day at first time this year. The slogan -- school libraries together for the information education -- is very important for us, too and we have been doing our work for five years in this spirit. Our library has been making the Town Handbook Using Competition from the term of 1999/2000 for every student in Hódmezovásárhely. The exercise is to answer 13+1 questions from our handbooks and of course it's possible to take advantage of the Internet. The aim is that our students can enlarge their knowledge, increase their skill and they can make more exacting, nicer and more celebrated applications with the using of the word processor. On 25 October 2004 we inform our Hungarian colleagues separately about the Town Handbook Using Competition and the "Window to the World" Librarian Competition. (This latter was published only for our school's students.) We thought this day we talk our competitions for our teachers and at the same time we send the call for the other schools in the town, too; because we want to keep in view the importance of the reading and culture, for the library is for the school and not inversely.
As an innovation we announced a poster making competition, too. It popularizes the library and we also reward the most ideal works.
We would like to continue our initiation and we are happy because since now not only once at announcement of result we can talk about the love of the book and knowledge but on 25 October on the School Librarian World Day as well.
Our address: 7-9 Bajcsy Street, HódmezovásÁrhely 6800, Hungary
From: Bettina Kovács
Dear Anne,
This letter is written from Hungary's capital: Budapest. I would report you, how we spent the International Day of School Libraries. Our school is the Bocskai Istvan Altalanos Iskola (elementary school) in the 11th district.
The theme was given by the local pedagogical centre: local history of 11th district. As we call it: Ujbuda (New Buda).
All the day the pupils could read the handbooks of Budapest and the local history. Then they get some tests. All the answers were in these books. As example: Which bridges of the Danube have a bridgehead in our district? Why does the Rocky Chapel on the Gellert hill have a Polish corner?
Those, who gave me the best answers, get some presents: books, pencils etc.
It is a really experience, that I have more readers after the Day of School Libraries.
I send you some pictures too. I hope, I can show our report and pictures on the Website id IASL too.
Best wishes for you and for all librarians of the World:
Ferenc (in English: Frank)
Ferenc Szalai from Budapest, Bocskai Istvan Altalanos Iskola,
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004
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