From: Seressné Barta Ibolya
Sent: Sunday, 29 September 2002 9:25 AM
My email is: or
Dear Friends,
I read not a long time ago from this useful program. I decided that we organize this Day in Hungary. I would like to ask for connection more Hungarian school, but I need for it more time. I send letter for the schools, and I hope some Library from Hungarian School will organize International School Library Day.
My name is Ibolya, from Hungary, Debrecen. I work as librarian and teacher of informatics. The name of my school is Angyalföld Téri Primary School (Debrecen)
In our school -- which is primary school -- with other teachers organized interesting day. From the program: We invited the librarian from other schools and public library and some people from political life, who can help us. This "talk show" -- I hope will useful: they will know more about the libraries and we will know more about they opinions.
We organize competition for children. It will be funny. We organize for children and teachers a very interesting program from Egypt.
So I hope it will be good for start in this "Day". I hope that will be more Hungarian, too.
Best wishes for You,
Photographs from Ibolya Barta at the end of International School Library Day in Hungary, 28 October 2002, with a note that "The Day in Hungary was successful. The children and teachers enjoyed it."
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The following additional message came to Barbara Braxton on Saturday, 26 October 2002:
I am very happy. You know I sent a lot of e-mail in Hungary for school libraries, and one of them sent us a letter. We are not alone in Hungary! They are living in Keszthely and have organized a lot of interesting programmes:
The school name is: Egry Jozsef Primary School, from Keszthely, Hungary
* in the 1-2nd classes the children will make bookmarks from their favorite tales
* 3-4th classes will make posters from the school library with good slogans for library and for reading
* 5-7th classes will fill in tests from library and reading
* 8th classes will make interviews from library and reading
The name of librarian: Tunde Sari