Az iskola adatai:
Harsányi János Gazdasági Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola
1091 Budapest, Ifjúmunkás utca 31., Tel.: 347-1070
A programfelelős: Kovács Katalin, e-mail: kovacs.k kukac, Tel.: 347-1075
A programokról bővebben:
A tervezett program:
Programunk egyben az egész iskolát megmozgató projekt. Címe: Ellentétek és hasonlóságok. Előzménye egy tavalyi, jól sikerült projektév („Születés és halál…”).
A tanév során – október 23-ai kezdéssel (20-ai!) – a projekt címéhez kapcsolódó pályázatok kihirdetése, valamint a tavalyi projektek közül a könyvtárhasználati pályamunkákból ezen a napon kiállítást nyitunk. A programot a tanári kar színe-java segítségével az iskolai könyvtár koordinálja, szervezi és maga is résztvevője lesz. A pályamunkák sikeres elkészítése lehetetlen a könyvtár használata nélkül. Azoknak az eseményeknek, amik viszont nem igényelnek kutatómunkát, a könyvtár ad helyet. Az egyes pályázatok lazán kötődnek – gyakorlatilag a témájuk alapján – egymáshoz, de az áprilisi iskolanapokon közösen zárulnak majd le.
Szemelvények a tervezett programokból:
Képzőművészet – tárlatvezetés a Szépművészeti Múzeumban
Irodalom – alkotópályázat (a fantasy műfajában)
Történelem – városismereti vetélkedő
Könyvtárhasználat – digitális könyvtár-hagyományos könyvtár
Szabadidő – tömeggyártás-papírmerítés; fekete-fehér - sakkverseny
Biológia – nők – férfiak
Viselkedéskultúra – generációs különbségek
Idegen nyelv – fordítási verseny
Osztályfőnöki óra - én és a vágyaim
A világnap nemzetközi honlapján regisztrált magyarországi iskolák és programjaik
From Viktoria Horvath, School Librarian.
The school library section of the Hungarian Library Association in Budapest, the capital of Hungary will celebrate International School Library Day with a competition. Its main objectives are to invite students to the library to play, to experience the joy of being in a library and to learn how to use it as a source of information and knowledge. We found out a name to this program so as to rhyme in the following sentence: "Olvass, Tudd, Tedd!" that is "OTT" in short, meaning "THERE". "Olvass, Tudd, Tedd!"means "Reading, Knowing, Doing" in English. And where else could children do this best than "THERE" in the school library.
The main activity will be a competition consisting of three rounds. Besides the competition children will have entertainment.
• In the first round students can fill in test sheets in the respective school libraries on 2 October.
• Those who have reached good results will go into the second round, which happens on 7 October. On this occasion, besides filling in worksheets, children can enjoy themselves with games and take part in lots of interesting programmes.
• Finally, all these interested and lovely students who had the courage to enter this adventure will be invited to the Budapest Meeting of ISLD when games and surprises will enterain them and we will celebrate together: the students, the school librarians, and members of the Theca Club of Budapest gathering students interested in libraries. As 23 October is the 50th Anniversary of an important event in the history of Hungary, our celebration will take place on 24 October.
We send our best regards to everyone.
Check our website.
From Ferenc Szalai, School Librarian.
The Bocskai Istvan Altalanos Iskola is a 77 year old school in Budapest in the Ujbuda (Newbuda) district. From October 2006 the library of the school has moved to a new place. This is a larger hall. The walls are clear, the books will not be on the shelves until 24th October. We celebrate one day later the ISLD because 23rd October is a national ceremonial day, the 50th anniversary of the Revolution. So, we open the new library for the pupils on the 24th October. There will be lots of games, quizzes all on the day.
From Ibolya Barta
We collected the email address of librarians, and hope in the next year we can organise international activity on this day too. So please dear collegues somewhere in the World find us, write me and let's work together.
But now the programs from different Hungarian schools!
Magyar Tannyelvu Kozepfoku Ipariskola es Kereskedelmi Akademia, Kosice, Slovakia
Librarian: Eva Fülöp
Making posters, organise miniankets
Our Logo is the Apple: It will symbolise the Culture: You have bit of this Apple. We organise presentment from modernity and school library, talking about books, reading, and visiting with classes in another Libraries
Kolcsey Ferenc Refomatus Tanitokepzo Foiskola Gyakorlo Altalanos Iskola, Debrecen
Librarians: Margit, Bajine Takacs and Diana Dusa
First classes will plan emblems for Library; 2-4. classes will read and write tales; 5-8. classes will read magazines for children and they will edit one heading. From this headings we will edit a school newspaper, which name is Lajtorja.
For teachers we organise a TOTO from our Library
Cser Kiado (This is a publisher) Budapest
Coordinator: Júlia Eros
The Libraries can buy for very cheap price nice books from this publisher.
10. sz. Petofi Sandor Altalanos Iskola es Magyar-angol Ket Tanitasi Nyelvu Iskola, Miskolc
Librarian: Zsuzsanna, Vagnerne Czecz
We organise different and interesting programs for the students.
II. Rakoczi Ferenc Altalanos Iskola, Kaposvar
Librarian: Kinga, Sandorne Milbacher
Planing emblems, posters and bookmarks for Library
Guide from our Library – it will make by students
Batsanyi Janos Altalanos Iskola, Tapolca
Librarian: Szilvia, Csank Peterne
Planing emblems, posters and bookmarks for Library
We try to organise sponsors for Library
We make interviews with teachers and students, we organise exhibition from Library
Vasarhelyi Pal Altalanos Iskola es Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Intezmeny, Kecskemet
Librarian: Ibolya Ronyai
Exhibition from drawing and photos; Interviews
All classes will make a list from their favourit books
Our guest will be Ildiko Taborita, who make a short film from her childhood favourite book
We take the best production for our website
Pazmany Peter Utcai Altalanos Iskola, Pecs
Librarian: Vincze Maria
We create a special newspaper for this day: More than library
Drawing competition: Our Library
Secret inquiry – for 3-4th classes
Searching by Internet – for 5-8th classes
Lánchíd Utcai Általános Iskola, Kecskemet
Director: Katalin Meszaros; Representative: Emoke Terecskei; Translator Andrea Gódor; Registration: Szilvia Nagy
Planning the Symbol of the Day, making book marks and posters making the day memorable
Making interviews with parents, teachers and students how library has changed
Organization of a photo exhibiton
Searching for sponsors who has helped the development of the library
Making a top 10 list in every class containing the 10 most preferred books
Collecting of quotations in connection with the library
Why do you like reading? (2-3-4 grade students are telling their opinion about it)
Exhibition in the Hall from the best illustrations about the most favorite books
Books worths reading. Responsible for it: Literature teachers
Vorosmarty Mihaly Altalanos Iskola es Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Intezmeny Konyvtara, Debrecen
Librarian: Ibolya Barta
Magic Evening in library – adventure with withches, magics, stars and other mystics
Adventure for teachers by Internet sources
Competition from famous Hungarian mathematics : Janos Bolyai and Farkas Bolyai
Jurisich Miklos Gimnazium, Koszeg
Librarian: Ildiko Keszeli
On 24 October in the first period one student will be selected to read out - Ode to the Hungarian Language- by György Faludy and a short extract from the essay novel, Let the words come to me by András Süto. Each class will be given a photocopy of these literary pieces. With this program we would like to pay homage to the two writers who died recently.
Gothard Jeno Altalanos Iskola, Szombathely
Librarian: Agota, Szabone Meszaros
We plan bookmarks and exhibitions from new books and handicraft hours.
We connect to the Bolyai Altalanos Iskola’s competition: We only read.
Krudy Gyula Gimnazium, Nyiregyhaza
Librarian: Zsuzsa Kalydi
Nature, glorious nature – competition
The presentation of the most successful pieces written for the short story competition, Nature, glorious nature "I like it because, I am concerned for it because"
Balthazar Dezso Reformatus Altalanos Iskola, Hajduboszormeny
Librarian: Erzsebet Preku
We organise different programs which we can show our Library for teachers and students
Bartok Bela Muveszeti Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Intezmeny, Bekescsaba
Librarian: Borbala Petenyi
We organise activity for students
Eotvös Jozsef Szakkozepiskola, Hodmezovasarhely
Librarian: Eva Pap
We make a 5 turn competition (literature, history, music, English / German and folklore etc.) We are waiting for groups of 3.
A lesson about how to use a library in the school’s library (not only for students but for teachers and parents too)
A reading-out afternoon Bring your favourite book and offer it to everyone.
Berzsenyi Daniel Gimnazium, Budapest
Librarian: Erika Bondor
We organised a competition for students: plan the logo of our Library. We will use the best in future.
The best |
by Szilvia Andriasik |
by Katalin Rákos |
Kunszentmiklosi Reformatus Kollegium Baksay Sandor Gimnaziuma és az Eotvos Lajos Altalanos Iskolaja, Kunszentmiklos
Librarian: Kisari Ottilia
Screw Day: Handicraft activity for 1-4 classes - making bookmarks with screw motivums, finding poems from screws, making illustrations
Interviews, reports with teachers, parents and students about their experience in school libraries.
I. Istvan Altalanos Iskola, Hatvan
Librarian: Gyorgyne Mate
Planing our emblem's for the International School Library Day. We try to develop the creativity. We hope more and more student will use our library.
From Klara Zseli, Teleki Blanka Gimnazium es Altalanos Iskola, Szekesfehervar.
New legends to Library. Plan it!
• Cultural swapping - books, journals, CD, DVD, casettes, etc.
• A short program in the school radio about ISLD
• Commendatory poems for students from teachers
• Try to find the colour envelope - in the school radio you will hear the instructions. The lucky students must answer a question and they can win a book token
• Cultural test - competition among classes
• Calling card - different persons from Literature
From Maria Hevesi, Kalvariaparti Altalanos Iskola, Gyongyos.
• Riddles, puzzles, and exhibition from the most popular books
• You can choose and borrow from our newest books (because they are ....)
• You can vote for your favourite book. Two voters will be chosen and win a giant reptile poster
• Everybody is invited who likes books, reading, have a favourite reading, and likes asking / solving a riddle or puzzle. Bring your friend with you!
• If you prefer drawing...Go for it. We are waiting for you, too!
From Gyongyi Fazkasne Sin, II. Rakoczi Ferenc Altalanos Iskola, Szekesfehervar.
Find the different subject in the school from Harry Potter.
• Awake the voice of teacher and the citation of book
• Procession of different persons from Literature
• Competitions in Library: finding citations from poems, finding books in library, using the English language.
From Judit Melykone Tozser, Kodaly Zoltan Altalanos Iskola, Hatvan.
Reading time from 8 o'clock 24th October to 20 o'clock 25th October (It is 20 hours!). We will read the most popular Hungarian Roman from Geza Gardonyi: Egri Csillagok. We will wait for the students, teachers, parents and everybody.
From Simonits Edina, Szent Laszlo Altalanos Muvelodesi Kozpont, Shedin.
" Teamorning" for suggesting books. Spokesmen of the groups suggest their favourite books in 2-3 minutes in our special teazone. The demonstration of the library system with the help of drawings. Demonstration of the ETO system with the help of reference books. Sale of used books. In order to put your book on somebody else's bookshelf.